Topic: Magnus Institute Ruins
Sunday April 10, 2022
Anyone know what the deal is with the Magnus Institute? Recently moved back to Manchester and I’ve been keen to keep up my spelunking, so was looking at the lists here of good sites to check out.

There’s some great ones on there (I have got to check out the old Hippodrome at some point!), but I’m a bit confused about the Magnus Institute. It’s listed under “cleared,” but there’s no pictures or info. I get that it’s useful to have a way of saying a place has been explored to death, but usually when that’s the case there’s at least a few photos that can be found online. Is it worth me checking out? It’s only a half hour from me, but I don’t want to bother if it’s genuinely a solved site and there’s nothing there worth seeing.
Sunday April 10, 2022
Not sure. I don’t think ArcherK has updated those lists in a while. Don’t remember it, though. I say go for it – if there aren’t any pictures about, seems like a good reason to see for yourself.
Monday April 11, 2022
I do update them when people send me through stuff, but it doesn’t happen all that often. I’m mainly just adding stuff to Devan’s old lists from when he left. I don’t know why he put the Magnus Institute on the Cleared list. Never really thought about it. Maybe it’s been a self-fulfilling thing, and no one’s been checking it out because it was put on there by accident.
Monday April 11, 2022
Thanks guys, think I might check it out after all!
Monday April 11, 2022
Awesome! Look forward to reading the report!
Wednesday April 20, 2022
Just got back. Definitely not cleared.

Really weird place. Kinda cool. But. Really weird. Full report tomorrow.
Friday April 22, 2022
Any news on this? Really keen to see some pictures.
Friday April 22, 2022
Sorry, yeah, that’s the problem. Having a really tough time actually uploading any of the pictures I took. Plus not been feeling super well. Forgot how weirdly paranoid I can get after spelunking.

But yeah, the building’s an odd one. Looks like it hasn’t been touched since the fire, and that was, what, 20 years ago? Structure itself is in pretty good shape – a lot of damage and scorching, plus the third floor is pretty much gone, but the rest of the building is safe enough. There was one spot where my foot went through the floor, but tbh that was mostly me being careless.

It’s got a really cool vibe, though. Like, if you’d told me it was a Victorian asylum or something before the fire I reckon I’d have believed you. Lost of austere old furnishings that are still in decent nick, and a bunch of offices like little cells. Kept getting this sense like doors were going to slam shut and lock behind me, even though half the frames didn’t even have actual doors left in them.

Big surprise was no old papers. I mean, they’d be mulch by now, obviously, but all the old filing cabinets were still rusting in place, and there was clearly what used to be a massive library or archive or something in the first basement layer. Was really expecting a bunch of paper pulp, but there wasn’t really any. Maybe that’s why it was listed as “cleared”?

Also, I don’t know how to describe it really, but there was a bunch of old graffiti. I don’t mean tags or anything, I didn’t see any tags at all, actually, and it wasn’t your standard “YOUR SOUL IS FORFEIT” spooky ruins graffiti, it was like… symbols and stuff and some pretty suspicious stains on some floors. I don’t really know occult or whatever, but I dunno. Felt legit in a way most of it doesn’t. I know a few of you do graff stuff, so I wouldn’t mind picking your brains about it later.

Saturday April 23, 2022
RedCanary said:

I know a few of you do graff stuff…

While I can neither confirm nor deny my involvement in the tagging of freight cars near Brighton, I wouldn’t mind getting a look at it.
Saturday April 23, 2022
The photos from the spelunk seem properly gone, but I did find an old wooden thing with a bunch of similar symbols on. Some kinda empty box, not really sure what for, though. Gonna see if I can get the light right for a decent pic.

Edit: No dice, I’m afraid. Must be something up with my phone camera. Really not helping the whole paranoia thing either. Anyone know anything about photographic distortion? Gonna see if I can borrow my dad’s SLR tomorrow.
Saturday April 23, 2022
RedCanary said:

I did find an old wooden thing…

Just to be clear, theft from explorations is not endorsed by this site, so I trust you were simply remembering something you saw, and not admitting to taking souvenirs.
Saturday April 23, 2022
Sorry. I know the rules. I’m going to go put it back, okay? So you can call off the dogs. I don’t need any more anonymous DMs calling me a thief or threatening me.

I can dox people too, you know.

It’s just a hobby. A bit of fun. People don’t need to get all bent out of shape about it.
Saturday April 23, 2022
RedCanary said:

I don’t need any more anonymous DMs…

I don’t know where this aggression is coming from, RedCanary, but to be clear, this forum does not allow for direct messages to be sent anonymously, and no one is threatening to dox anyone. This is your formal warning.
Saturday April 29, 2022
Still waiting on pics of that graffiti, if you’ve got them, RedCanary.
Saturday April 30, 2022

[Image removed by moderator.]

Canaries should stay above ground.
Saturday April 30, 2022
Gross! Can we get some mod action over here?
Saturday April 30, 2022
What the hell is that? Are those eyes? Are you alright?
Saturday April 30, 2022
RedCanary, you have been warned, our terms forbid posting explicit images including gore. I’m sorry it’s come to this, but you brought it on yourself.


[RedCanary has been temporarily banned.]

Saturday April 30, 2022

[RedCanary has been temporarily banned.]

Shame. Good job mods.
Monday May 09, 2022
Any more word on this? Is canary still banned? Kinda worried about them after those pics.

[Thread locked by moderator.]

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