From: DMargolis@oxfordpeoplestrust.orgFeb 3, 2016
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to inform you that I am tendering my resignation as manager of the Hilltop Centre branch of the Oxford People’s Trust, effective immediately. I will not be working my notice period and unless you wish for this to become a legal matter, I advise you to pay me properly for that time.
I am aware that you may not have been directly responsible for the events that have taken place at the Hilltop Centre branch over the last six months, but you have nonetheless failed to provide adequate support despite my repeated messages, requesting your intervention. I am thus left with no other choice than to sever all ties with this company, which appears to care so little for my health, goodwill or years of service.
You will find a complete account of all that has happened attached, and this should be more than sufficient for your records. I shall expect my final paycheck paid promptly and in full.
Dianne Margolis BA (hons), JP